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My name is Aubrey Colt and I’d like to say I’m an author of some sort. However, I don’t think that writing books makes you an author, your readers decide on that. To me, anybody can write a book, but to make an impact and put emotions to your words is a skill few people have. I suppose you’d like to know personal things about me, so here you go. I grew up in Chicago Illinois and I now live in New York City. I’m a sucker for cities I guess you could say. I’ve liked writing ever since I can remember. English was always my favorite class as I was growing up, cliché right? Fast forward a few years and here I am, publishing my own books. I write because I love it. It’s what drives me, to be honest. I’m sure you, as a reader, can understand that. I hope you can also understand that I don’t wish to keep you bored reading this page and so I am deciding to cut it short. Thanks for reading this far down though and I hope one day I can hear from you in the future. 

About Aubrey 

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